Signs of decline are sure to be found in a place as complex as America: debt, crime, the homeless, drugs, dropouts. But the main

admin2013-12-10  23

问题     Signs of decline are sure to be found in a place as complex as America: debt, crime, the homeless, drugs, dropouts. But the main characteristic of America, the first and most enduring impression, is dynamism, energy, aggressiveness, forward movement.
    It is so hard to think of this nation in decline when you know that there are vast regions of the planet which are absolutely paralyzed, incapable of any improvement at all. It is difficult for me to agree with Paul Kennedy’s thesis that America must inevitably follow historical precedent. That’s the way history used to be — all powerful nations declined and gave way to other empires. But I have a sense that what is going on here concerns much more than the fate of a nation. It may be that the Euro-centered American nation is declining as it gives way to a new Pacific civilization that will include, but not limited to, America.(153 words)


答案 在美国这样错综复杂的国家当然能看到衰落的迹象,如债务、犯罪、无家可归、吸毒、厌世者。但美国的主要特征,即它给人最初的、最持久的印象,却是生机勃勃、充满活力、积极向上、不断进取。 如果你知道世界上有广大地区完全处于瘫痪状态,并且无法取得任何进步时。那么就难以想象这个国家在衰落。我难以同意Paul Kennedy的观点,即美国将不可避免地重蹈历史覆辙。历史一直如此——强国衰落,被新兴的帝国所取代。但我有种感觉,这里正在发生的一切不仅仅关乎一国之命运。或许以欧洲为中心的美国在衰落,它正被一种新的太平洋文明所取代,这一文明包括但并不局限于美国。

