Interlocutor Here is a list of topics. Now, both of you have a look at these topics and choose one to discuss together. The inte

admin2019-04-24  114

问题 Interlocutor Here is a list of topics. Now, both of you have a look at these topics and choose one to discuss together.
The interlocutor gives the Candidates a list of topics for them to choose one and ask them to discuss together
The interlocutor may join in the conversation and ask the Candidates questions, but the Candidates are expected to develop the conversation.
-     What is the effect of movies on youth?
-     How have science and technology changed our life and work?
-     What do you think of the saying "Praising is a subtle art in bringing out the best in everyone"?
-     Discuss the changes in people’s diet nowadays.
-     What can we do to protect the environment?


答案How have science and technology changed our life and work? Student A: Technology has changed a lot in the last 50 years. When my parents were younger, they didn’t use cell phones or computers in their daily life. Student B: That’s definitely true. 100 years ago, things were even more different. Cars were rare and travelling by plane was unheard of. Today, getting from place to place is a lot faster and a lot more convenient. Student A: I agree. I think life 100 years ago would be unbearable for most of today’s young people. I think most people lived and worked on farms then and spent most of their time growing food for their own consumption. Student B: Right. Today, because of modern technological advancements, people just buy their food in the supermarket. The focus has shifted to a knowledge rather than agricultural economy. In the new work place, people spend most of the day in an office, in front of a computer or on the phone. Things are bought and sold remotely and ... Student A: That’s right. Online shopping has become a huge business and it’s such a convenient way to do things. In the future, people probably won’t even have to leave home at all, but just buy everything they need from the comfort of their living room. Student B: That may be true, but I don’t necessarily see it as a good thing. Never leaving home can’t be good for a person. Not only mentally and socially, but it can’t be good for your health to get so little exercise. People are getting lazier and fatter thanks to things like cars. Student A: Well, that’s another way science and technology can help. Medicine and healthcare have made remarkable strides in the last 100 years. Student B: True, we’ve been talking about cars and computers and forgetting about medicine and other branches of science. Our knowledge about the solar system has changed the way we think about ourselves. We are looking for life on other planets now, or at least for planets capable of sustaining life as we know it. Student A: Right, but I think the real reason we’re exploring the cosmos is to find a new place to live once our planet is destroyed by pollution. Factories are producing more CO2 and other problematic gasses than ever before, and more people are driving cars that also release toxins into the air. Technology and modern lifestyles have definitely had a huge impact on the environment. Student B: Yeah, 100 years ago pollution wasn’t considered a global problem, but today it definitely is. I guess we agree that science and technology have changed the way we work and our lives for both the better and the worse.

