To: All staff From: Manager of the

admin2011-03-11  22

问题 To: All staff                                                                                             
From: Manager of the Maintenance Service Section Date: September 17th RE: New Telephone System
Our new telephone system will be installed over the coming weekend and will be operational Monday morning with the new system.
Each staff member will continue to have individual voice mail, allowing callers to leave voice messages for you when you are not available to take a call. Calls can still be routed to the main switchboard if you prefer to continue to have one of the operators take messages for you. In addition, every telephone including the ones in the conference rooms will be set up for conference calls and for long distance calls. You will need to use your employee code to make long distance calls. If necessary, operators can arrange conference calls for you, if given at least thirty minutes’ notice.
There will be a twenty-minute introduction to the system offered in Conference Room 3 on Monday at 10:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M., and 1:30 RM. Please plan to attend one of these sessions so that you will be able to fully utilize the features of our new phone system.
What are employees asked to do?

选项 A、Leave a message with the switchboard operator
B、Help colleagues unfamiliar with the system
C、Come to work on Saturday or Sunday
D、Learn how to set up a conference call


解析 在通知或邮件中,“要求或委托”性语句一般会以祈使句形式出现在原文末尾。这种类型的问题需要结合细节内容进行推测。通知要求职员参加会议以“了解新电话系统特点并熟练操作(to fully utilize the features of our new phone system)”,“学习电话会议方法”是新电话系统特点之一,故(D)选项为正确答案。
