Man: Why don’t you dress up a little when you’re out with your friends?Woman: That’s a good idea!Question: What does the man sug

admin2009-01-13  32

问题 Man: Why don’t you dress up a little when you’re out with your friends?Woman: That’s a good idea!Question: What does the man suggest?

选项 A、The woman should put on nice clothes.
B、The woman should wear makeup.
C、The woman should get up fight away.
D、The woman should make a dress herself.


解析 先生说:既然要和朋友出去,为什么不打扮漂亮一点呢?   女士说:好主意。选项A:女士应该穿漂亮的衣服。此答案最贴切,dress up是英美国家常用的口语词汇,在生活中出现的频率很高,它特指着装讲究、正式。当我们表达化装时用make up,B明显搭配不对,C意思是“早起”,D是混淆项,意思是“自己穿衣服”。
