A、It uses new technology. B、It is installed with a robot. C、It is as clever as human. D、It can talk with people. A女士说在杂志上看到一篇文章说

admin2017-01-16  26

M: I’m sorry I’m late, Rose.
W: That’s all right, Vic. My house isn’t that easy to find. Many of my friends have trouble finding the way when they come for the first time. But you know, you wouldn’t have gotten lost if you had a "smart" car.
M: A smart car? I have never heard of that before. What’s a smart car?
W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display and a synthesized voice, you must enter the address where you want to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.
M: Hey, that’s just like my brother. He never gets lost, and he’s always telling me the best route. So what else will a smart car be able to do?
W: Well, the article said that they will be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they’re getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and they will even put on the brakes if the drivers don’t.
M: Tell me, Rose, will these cars be smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?
W: Not that I know of. Why do you ask?
M: Well, I’m not late because I got lost—I’m late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.
12 What do we learn about a ’’smart" car according to the woman?
13 What can be inferred about the man’s brother?
14 What will radar warning systems do for drivers according to the conversation?
15 Why was the man late?

选项 A、It uses new technology.
B、It is installed with a robot.
C、It is as clever as human.
D、It can talk with people.


解析 女士说在杂志上看到一篇文章说某项新技术能把小汽车变成智能型,A是对话中new technology的原词再现,故选A。
