Research reports are considered formal professi6nal communication. As such, there is little emphasis on a lively style, although

admin2013-11-29  59

问题     Research reports are considered formal professi6nal communication. As such, there is little emphasis on a lively style, although, of course, there is no objection to writing that is pleasing and interesting. The primary goals of professional communication are accuracy, clarity, and completeness. The rough draft of any research report should be edited to ensure that all data is correctly presented, that all equipment is listed, that all results are properly detailed. As an aid to the reader, headings indicating at least the major sections of the report should be used, and all data should be presented under proper headings. In addition to their function of suggesting to the reader the contents of each section, headings enhance the formal appearance and professional quality of the report, increase to some degree the writer’s credibility by reflecting a logical and methodical approach to the reporting process, and eliminate the need for wordy transitional devices between sections.
    Research data should be presented in a way that places proper emphasis on major aspects of the project. For different readers different aspects will take on different degrees of importance, and some consideration should be given to structuring research reports differently for different audiences. Management, for example, will be most concerned with the results of a research project, and thus the results section should be emphasized, probably by presenting it immediately after the problem section and before the procedures section. Other researchers would be most interested in the procedure section, and this should be highlighted in writing up research projects for publication in professional journals or for presentation at professional conferences. For non-technical readers and federal agencies, the implications of the results might be the most important consideration, and emphasis should be placed on the discussion of the report for this readership.


答案 研究报告通常被看做有关专业信息的正式文件,有鉴于此,不强调活泼文体。当然,也不反对写得生动有趣。专业文章最主要的是准确、清晰、完整。在研究报告的初稿写成后经过加工应做到:全部的资料均确切地阐明,所有设备逐一列举,取得的所有结果得到恰当的详尽表述。为方便阅读,报告的各大部分至少应使用标题来表明,资料的撰写应加上适当的标题。标题的作用除了起到向读者提示各部分内容外,还可以使文章看上去更像一份符合规格的正式报告,并且还表明,该报告是按照逻辑步骤有条不紊地写成的,这样在一定程度上会增强作者的可信度。除此之外,标题的使用还可免除文章各部分之间通常所需的承上启下的词语。 研究资料应该适当地强调项目的主要方面。对于不一样的读者来说,不同的方面其重要程度不一样。所以必须考虑到研究报告的格式应随读者不同而不同。譬如,管理人员最关心研究项目的结果,因此就应强调结果部分,可以将它紧接在问题部分之后和过程部分之前写出来。其他研究人员会对过程部分最感兴趣,所以在就有关研究项目撰文供专业刊物刊登或供专业会议上宣读时,则应突出这一部分。对于非专业方面的读者和联邦机构来说,也许最关心的是研究成果的意义,因此重点应放在报告的讨论部分。

