Now many countries find themselves still struggling with problems that are as old as man himself. Basic social problems such as

admin2014-03-15  47

问题 Now many countries find themselves still struggling with problems that are as old as man himself. Basic social problems such as poor or nonexistent health care, and nutrient-deficient diets continue to annoy developing countries, contributing to low life expectancy rates and hampering economic development.
    While it may be true that some countries have found answers to these basic problems of humanity, this does not mean that their societies are problem-free. Indeed, in the solving of age-old problems more economically, advanced societies have found themselves facing new social problems, problems that are a direct outgrowth of their economic advancement. One such problem is that of aging.


答案现在许多国家都发现他们还在努力设法解决那些自有人类以来就出现的老问题,如缺医少药以及营养不良这些基本的社会问题仍然困扰着发展中国家。这些问题的存在缩短了人们的寿命,阻碍了经济的发展。 有些国家或许已经解决了人类生存的一些基本问题,但是并不意味着这些国家就太平无事了。实际上,在经济比较发达的国家,旧的问题解决了,新的问题又产生了,这些问题是随着经济的发展而派生出来的。人口老龄化就是这样的问题之一。

