Directions: Write an essay in no less than 200 words with the title "Opportunities and challenges with the coming of Globalizati

admin2010-02-19  42

问题    Directions: Write an essay in no less than 200 words with the title "Opportunities and challenges with the coming of Globalization".


答案 Opportunities and challenges with the coming of Globalization With the coming of globalization, we will have great opportunities. First of all, we will have more access to the advanced science and technologies of other countries in the world. As is known to all that in this age of information economy, it is of great importance to get informed with the latest development in every fields concerning the growing of the power of a country. Secondly, with the opening up of more and more countries to the whole world, we are to get more contacted with all kinds of culture and civilizations, which would to some extent strengthen our country’s soft power. If we call the economic, scientific and military power hard power, then how we can influence or change others ideas without coercing them but made them accept us willingly is kind of soft power. Mutual understanding will contribute to the increasing of soft power. And globalization provides a good platform for all the participants. Moreover, with the process of globalization we individuals as well have more chances to enrich and perform our serves. However, every coin has two sides. Globalization undoubtedly brings about challenges along with opportunities. Firstly, we will face fierce competition. Since our country is indeed lagging behind in many fields, to be situated in the same arena with some superior players will give us much pressure. The same is with us as individuals. Then, we may be influenced by other culture in a negative way. While enjoying the richness of other civilizations, it is quite possible that we neglect or even lose some of quintessence of our own culture. For instance, as we get more and more fantastic about the western pop music, we lose interest in the traditional Chinese opera. Therefore, we should view the globalization as a double-edged sword, which presents us opportunities as well as challenges. The most important thing is that we should have a right stand facing it. Moreover, we have to make ourselves well prepared in every aspect to meet the opportunities and challenges.

