In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、

admin2010-09-06  30

问题 In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、D、E、F、G……) to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are several extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. (10 points)

    A recession marked the early years of Reagan’s presidency, but conditions started to improve in 1983 and the United States entered one of the longest periods of sustained economic growth since World War Ⅱ. However, an alarming percentage of this growth was based on deficit spending. In 1988, former vice president George Bush became President. He continued many of Reagan’s policies. Bush’s efforts to gain control over the federal budget deficit, however, were problematic. The 1990s brought a new president, Bill Clinton, a cautious, moderate Democrat, whose liberal initiatives created a myth for the American economy.
    (41)______. Still, although Clinton reduced the size of the federal work force, the government continued to play a crucial role in the nation’s economy. Mast of the major innovations of the New Deal, and a good many of the Great Society, remained in place. And the Federal Reserve system continued to regulate the overall pace of economic activity, with a watchful eye for any signs of renewed inflation.
    (42)______. Technological developments brought a wide range of sophisticated new electronic products. Innovations in telecommunications and computer networking spawned a vast computer hardware and software industry and revolutionized the way many industries operate.
    (43)______. No longer are Americans afraid that the Japanese will overwhelm them with superior technology or that they will saddle their children with government debt.
    America’s labor force changed markedly during the 1990s. Continuing a long term trend, the number of farmers declined. A small portion of workers had jobs in industry, while a much greater share worked in the service sector, in jobs ranging from store clerks to financial planners. If steel and shoes were no longer American manufacturing mainstays, computers and the software that make them run were.
    (44)______. Economists, surprised at the combination of rapid growth and continued low inflation, debated whether the United States had a "new economy" capable of sustaining a faster growth rate than seemed possible based on the experiences of the previous 40 years.
    (45)______. Asia, which had grown especially rapidly during the 1980s, joined Europe as a major supplier of finished goods and a market for American exports. Sophisticated worldwide telecommunications systems linked the world’s financial markets in a way unimaginable even a few years earlier.

A. The economy, meanwhile, turned in an increasingly healthy performance as the 1990s progressed. With the fall of the Soviet Union and Eastern European communism in the late 1980s, trade opportunities expanded greatly.
B. Still, Americans ended the 1990s with a restored sense of confidence. By the end of 1999, the economy had grown continuously since March 1991, the longest peacetime economic expansion in history.
C. Clinton sounded some of the same themes as his predecessors. After unsuccessfully urging Congress to enact an ambitious proposal to expand health-insurance coverage, Clinton declared that the era of "big government" was over in America. He pushed to strengthen market forces in some sectors, working with Congress to open local telephone service to competition. He also joined Republicans to reduce welfare benefits.
D. Finally, the American economy was more closely intertwined with the global economy than it ever had been. Clinton, like his predecessors, had continued to push for elimination of trade barriers. A North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) had further increased economic ties between the United States and its largest trading partners, Canada and Mexico.
E. While many Americans remained convinced that global economic integration benefited all nations, the growing interdependence created some dislocations as well. Workers in high-technology industries at which the United States excelled fared rather well, but competition from many foreign countries that generally had lower labor costs tended to dampen wages in traditional manufacturing industries.
F. The expansion that began in March 1991 has raised real gross domestic product by more than a third, minted 100,000 more people earning a million dollars a year. After peaking at $290,000 million in 1992, the federal budget deficit steadily shrank as economic growth increased tax revenues. In 1998, the government posted its first surplus in 30 years, although a huge debt mainly in the form of promised future Social Security payments to the baby boomers remained.
G. Best of all, the healthy economy has transformed the psyche of millions of Americans. The pervasive gloom at the beginning of the 1990s is gone.



解析 本文第一段首先提到里根总统,然后是布什总统,接下来该段末句:90年代迎来了一位新总统,一个谨言慎行的温和派民主党人比尔.克林顿,他奉行"自由主义"经济政策,为美国经济打造了一个神话。本题下一句为:然而,尽管克林顿缩减了联邦政府机关的工作岗位,政府在美国经济发展中仍然发挥着重要作用。这里出现了一个信号词still,由它后面的内容可以推出本题处应该提及克林顿总统及其改革措施。快速浏览各个选项,可以看到选项C中首先提到:克林顿的一些执政纲领与几位前任如出一辙。这里his predecessors指代第一段中提到的里根和布什。接下来提到他力图改革医疗保险,加强对某些行业的市场调控力度,把地方电话服务引向竞争,削减福利支出,这些都是一些改革的措施,可见选项C符合此处上下文语义衔接和逻辑关系,故为本题答案。
