In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on Views on Internet Information. The essay should be

admin2013-02-16  29

问题 In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on Views on Internet Information. The essay should be based on the outlines below:
Title: View on Internet Information
1)Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.
2)Access to so much information creates problems.
3)Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples.


答案 Views on Internet Information A fact we can not deny is that our life is becoming increasingly convenient because of Internet. It is never exhausted to provide us a large quantity of information whenever we search on it. No matter the information we need is on the aspect of study, amusement or work, most of these information can not be acquired by ourselves, the Internet will content us. As for me, the Internet is an undoutedly important aid in my editorial work. Many practical problems I meet can be solved by consulting it. When we acclaim how significant roles the Internet plays in our life, its disadvantage is also worthy of our attention. In reality, there are some people who rely too much on Internet and nearly isolate themselves from the real world, which will result in their aloof ness in character. Besides, cybercrime is a more and more serious problem disturbing us. In this fictitious world people, especially the young, can hardly distinguish between the good and the evil. In my opinion, we should make use of the Internet wisely instead of being controlled by it. Whether the imformation offered by the Internet is reliable needs us to tell by means of judging its contents or sources, for the censorship on Internet information still has flaws. Although the Internet gives us a big help, when seeking for information we can not neglect the strength of newspapers and magazines. At last, all of us should take actions to protect the young from being hurt by bad information, and do our utmost to improve the Internet at mosphere, making it serve us best.

