丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是公元前2世纪开始出现的一条联系中国和欧亚大陆的交通要道,由于这条道路开始时以丝绸贸易为主,所以人们便称它为丝绸之路。这条陆上道路从中国的长安开始,经甘肃、新疆,进而到中亚、西亚,并一直联结到地中海(the Medit

admin2013-09-14  66

问题     丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是公元前2世纪开始出现的一条联系中国和欧亚大陆的交通要道,由于这条道路开始时以丝绸贸易为主,所以人们便称它为丝绸之路。这条陆上道路从中国的长安开始,经甘肃、新疆,进而到中亚、西亚,并一直联结到地中海(the Mediterranean)沿岸各国。丝绸之路不仅是一条古代通商的道路,它更是连接古代中华文明、印度文明、埃及(Egypt)文明、希腊(Greece)文明和美索不达米亚(the Mesopotamian plains)文明的纽带,是东西方文化和科学技术交流的桥梁。


答案 The Silk Road refers to a transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia, West Asia, Africa, and the European continent. It appeared as early as the second century and was traveled mainly by silk merchants, herce the name. The Silk Road began in Chang’an, passing through Gansu and Xinjiang to Central Asia, West Asia, and to lands by the Mediterranean. The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route, but also as a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations of China, India, Egypt, Greece and the Mesopotamian plains. It also helped to promote the exchange of cultures and science and technology between east and west.

