Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: . summariz

admin2022-08-07  40

问题     Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
    . summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
    . comment on whether women-only compartments on subways should be promoted. You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
                                Should Female-only Subway Cars Be Set Up?
    Female-only subway cars are being introduced in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou from next week to increase the safety of female commuters.
    One carriage on each train on Line 1 will be made available to female passengers at peak hours in the morning and evening, according to the city’s metro service. Male passengers will be allowed to use the carriages outside those hours, to avoid the waste of public resources.
    The initiative follows concerns expressed by Su Zhongyang, a Guangdong provincial political advisor, who said women are more vulnerable to sexual harassment or inappropriate situations in overcrowded trains during the rush hours.
    The city of Shenzhen is also considering similar plans.
    An online poll, carried out by the China News Service, showed 59.7% disapproved of the idea, with some saying it goes against gender equality and is a form of sex-based discrimination.
    "Public transportation resources are relatively scarce in Shenzhen. Setting up female-only cars may intensify this problem. Segregating people by gender might lead to more congestion in other carriages since male passengers can’t enter them during peak hours," said Wang Xue, a member of Shenzhen’s Political Consultative Conference.
    Despite the criticisms, 32% of people still welcome the action, according to a survey by Wang Rong, chairman of the Guangdong provincial committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
    Better facilities for pregnant women and children, caring for female passengers, and avoiding sexual harassment were among the top reasons for supporting the initiative.
    Guangzhou Metro has said they remain open to public opinions and suggestions. A study will be carried out to decide the future of the scheme.


答案 Women-only Compartments on Subways Should Be Promoted As a precaution against sexual harassment from lecherous men during peak hours, Guangzhou leads other Chinese cities in providing female-only carriages. Yet criticism of this move runs rampant in the name of gender discrimination and a waste of public resources. Personally, I believe women-only zones should be applauded in a society where other measures against sexual harassment fail to work effectively. To begin with, as the recent statistics show over 60% of women worldwide fall victim to sexual harassment by unsavory subway gropers, it is reasonable to offer women-only compartments. Packed into subway cars and pressed against strangers for sometimes up to an hour, women put themselves at a greater risk of being sexually harassed. So it makes a huge difference that women-only carriages are offered to bar male would-be attackers. Secondly, it is true that as a better means, moral obligation should be advocated to pull indecent behavior out of perpetrators’ minds. Moreover, strict laws must be imposed on them. Sadly though, in China, neither of the above measures is likely to be carried out in the foreseeable future. So to address this problem, setting female-only subway cars becomes our last resort. Lastly, for pregnant women and those with little children, female-only compartments give them a comfortable retreat from the over-packed ones where they may get easily hurt. In a word, female-only subway cars should be duly cheered in present China but further steps should also be taken to fight against and deter crime.

解析     本题要求讨论以下现象:广州地铁率先在交通高峰期间为女性开设专门车厢,引发全社会热议。在具体行文方面,考生可以在第一段简单概述所给材料的内容;第二段提出自己的观点并展开论述,论证有理有据即可;第三段再次强调自己的观点,总结全文。
