The conifer hedges in front of J. K. Rowling’s seventeenth-century house, in Edinburgh, are about twenty feet tall. They reach h

admin2016-09-27  49

问题 The conifer hedges in front of J. K. Rowling’s seventeenth-century house, in Edinburgh, are about twenty feet tall. They reach higher than the street lamps in front of them, and evoke the entrance to the spiteful maze in the film adaptation of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, " the fourth volume of her fantasy series. Rowling, who at forty-seven, is about to publish her first novel for adults—it is set in a contemporary Britain familiar with Jay-Z and online pornography, but is shaded with memories of her own, quite cheerless upbringing—lives here with her second husband, Neil Murray, a doctor, and their children. She has a reputation for reserve: for being likable but shy and thin-skinned, and not at all comfortable with the personal impact of having created a modern myth, sold four hundred and fifty million books, and inspired more than six hundred thousand pieces of Harry Potter fan fiction, a total that increases by at least a thousand stories a week.


答案 J.K.罗琳住在爱丁堡一座十七世纪的房子里,周围满是针叶树,差不多6.1米高,比它们前面的街灯还要高,很容易让人想起罗琳第四部小说《哈利·波特与火焰杯》的改编电影中神秘莫测的学校入口。47岁的罗琳现在和她的第二任丈夫内尔·莫里——一位医生,以及孩子们生活在一起,她将要发布为成年人而写的第一部小说一情景设定于熟悉Jay-z以及网上色情文学的当代英国,但小说充满了她个人的记忆,那些非常惨淡的成长生涯。罗琳素来不爱说话:虽受人们喜爱但还是有点腼腆而且敏感,对于说她创造了一个当代的神话,她还有些不习惯,她的书已经销售了4亿5千万册,并且启发了超过60万部哈利·波特的粉丝小说,一周至少有1 000个故事发表。

