Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly,

admin2016-06-25  10

问题     Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
    1. describe the drawing briefly,
    2. interpret its intended meaning, and then
    3. give your comments.
    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.


答案 What a heart-broken picture it is! A little boy locks himself in a small room with a " No Disturbing" sign hanging outside. His mother is shocked and devastated by being rejected by her own son. The picture makes us rethink the estrangement between kids and parents. It has been said that the key to a child’s heart is captured in his or her parents’ hands. This proverb is especially meaningful in the modern society. With the astonishing development of science and technology, scholars note that family education best offers children well-off material life but fails to equip them with adaptive capacity and psychological enduring ability, components critical to their future life. For one thing, parents do not provide their children with e-nough freedom of speech, not allowing them to have an independent voice. For another, parents do not teach kids the a-bility of self-control and self-limitation, and children raised in this way will grow to be less mature compared with their peers and have fear of social interactions. Estrangement will make people suffer tremendously. Accordingly, in order to tackle this problem, it is essential for kids to receive fair, flexible and respectful parenting. Besides, they should be encouraged to communicate with their peers and parents about their feelings, and they need to understand the limits on unacceptable behaviours as well.

解析     图画中所给信息的内在联系是理解本图的关键。画面左边是一位女士,她看到一个挂着“闲人免进”牌子的小房间,而房间里蜷缩着一个男孩儿,女士对此感到吃惊,甚至不知所措。她为何会惊慌失措?男孩儿为何躲在如此狭小的房间里,并挂上“闲人免进”的牌子?女士和男孩儿之间又是什么关系?显然,小房间象征着男孩儿的心房,“闲人免进”象征着他对周边和外界的排斥,而女士一定是男孩儿亲近的人,比如母亲,才会对此感到既震惊又无奈。由此可见,本图所反映的正是父母与子女之间的隔阂问题,切不可将主题泛泛地定为孩子的自我封闭。
