The booming of Confucius Institutes in many countries shows there is a constant rise of the worldwide fervor in learning Chinese

admin2019-04-17  19

问题 The booming of Confucius Institutes in many countries shows there is a constant rise of the worldwide fervor in learning Chinese. China’ s rich culture and blossoming economy are driving their interest to learn the language. The Confucius Institutes have not only offered a place for foreigners to learn Chinese, but also serves as a platform to help people understand each other.


答案孔子学院在许多国家的迅速发展表明世界范围内对学习汉语的热情持续升 高。中国灿烂的文化和繁荣的经济吸引着他们学习汉语。孔子学院不仅为外国人提 供学习汉语的场所,也成为一个帮助人们了解彼此的平台。

解析 第一句是一个主从复合句,主句主语为The booming of Confucius Institutes, 主句谓语动词shows后面是一个省略了that的宾语从句;Confucius Institutes译为“孔 子学院”;constant rise译为“持续升高”;fervor译为“热情”。第二句为简单句,直接顺 译即可;blossoming泽为“繁荣的”;drive译为“驱使,激励,促使”,在此可引申为“吸 引”;to learn the language是不定式短语作后置定语,修饰interest。第三句中not only…but also…连接两个并列结构,且包含两个不定式短语作后置定语,即to learn Chinese和to help people understand each other,分别修饰place和platform。
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