A、Extreme stress. B、Hair loss. C、Declining health. D、Unemployment. B当男土说他正在网上查东西的时候,女士感到很好奇,问道:Baldness?由此可知男士正在遭受秃头的困扰,因此答案为B。

admin2013-01-20  26

Jane: Ron, what are you doing?
Ron: Ah, nothing. I’m just looking up some information on the Internet.
Jane: Like what? Let me see.
Ron: No, no, it’s okay. I mean, you know...
Jane: Baldness? What are you looking that up for? [Well, you know ... ] I...I mean, you’re not that bad off.
Ron: Ah, there you go. Bringing it up again!
Jane: No. I mean it. You look great! Honestly, it’s net that bad.
Ron: Hey, I get enough of it from friends, and the people at work, and now from you!
Jane: Well, maybe you could wear a toupee? I think you’d look great.
Ron: Oh no. And have it slip off my head on to my date’s dinner plate as I lean over to kiss her? Uh-uh.
Jane: Well, have you ever thought about seeking medical advice? There are new advances in medicines that not only retard hair loss, but help regenerate new growth.
Ron: Ah, I still don’t give much credibility to medical treatment to prevent permanent hair loss.
Jane: Well, what about accepting the fact that you’re just losing your hair?
Ron: I just can’t give up hope. I know appearances shouldn’t matter, but I don’t know. I just feel that women just avoid me.
Jane: Come on. You can’t be serious.
Ron: No, really. I’ve seen it many times. It just, I don’t know...
Question : What is the problem the man is suffering from?

选项 A、Extreme stress.
B、Hair loss.
C、Declining health.


解析 当男土说他正在网上查东西的时候,女士感到很好奇,问道:Baldness?由此可知男士正在遭受秃头的困扰,因此答案为B。
