A、The one he likes doesn’t suit him. B、This sweater is on special. C、This sweater is the most fashionable one. D、He is tricked b

admin2014-02-25  29

M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy?
W: Well, it’s very nice as far as I can see, but put it on first, then I’ll tell you if it suits you.
M: I tried on about twenty times. This one isn’t really what I wanted.
W: Why did you buy it then?
M: The salesman sold it to me before I realised what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything he’d wrapped it up and taken my money.
W: Well, it doesn’t look too bad. I think it looks good on you.
M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck, short sleeves and pattern, and I came home with a brown one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern.
W: You must be easily taken in. You’ve got to learn to stand up to these high-pressure salesmen. They’ll sell you all sorts of things you don’t want if you don’t watch out.
M: Next time I’ll send my wife. She’ll probably sell something to the salesman.
W: That’s a good idea. Actually women are good at shopping. Whenever my husband and I buy something important, I have the final say.
M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping. I should simply leave the whole business to them.
W: Yes, I agree.
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9. What is the main idea of this conversation?
10. Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesn’t like?
11. Which character is not true about the sweater that the man buys?
12. What is the woman’s suggestion?

选项 A、The one he likes doesn’t suit him.
B、This sweater is on special.
C、This sweater is the most fashionable one.
D、He is tricked by the salesman.


解析 选项中的this sweater,on special,fashionable和he likes表明,本题考查男士买this sweater的原因。男士说推销员不停地向他介绍,这件毛衣是最流行的(the latest fashion),而且有特别优惠(special reductions),他还没弄明白怎么回事就付了钱,很明显是中了推销员的圈套,故答案为D)。
