A、No one wants to look at the closet. B、The man has already cleaned it up. C、It has gradually become a trash can. D、It is occupi

admin2019-09-18  40

W: Honey, could you come here for a second. We need to talk. My parents are coming to visit next week and I want to get this place clean. Besides, it is almost April and it is time for some spring cleaning anyway.
M: I hate cleaning. Can’t we just tidy up a bit the night before your parents get here?
W: No! This place is a pigsty! We can’t just tidy up the house. We need to do a deep cleaning. The upstairs is a disaster area. Let’s start by cleaning out your bedroom closet You have a lot of junk in there.
M: My closet? Your parents aren’t even going to go in the closet. I say we wipe down the kitchen counter and maybe vacuum the rug in the living room. That’s all we need to do.
W: No way. The house is trashed and I am too embarrassed to have my parents see it like this. You never pick up after yourself and the kids never do their chores. What happens is I end up doing all the cleaning.[8]Today you are going to do some of the dirty work. The upstairs toilet is blocked. I want you to fix that and clean the entire bathroom with bleach. Make sure to air it out when you are done. Nobody likes that bleach smell.
M: That sounds horrible! What are you going to do?
W: I’m going to pick up all of the dirty clothes in the kid’s room and do the wash. I will come upstairs in one hour to check on you
M: OK. I’ll get started upstairs.
W: Now that is the right attitude! You are such a great husband.
M: Yeah, yeah, yeah... Let’s just get this over with. I want to watch the game this afternoon at 4:00.
5 What is the man’s attitude towards housework?
6 What do we learn about the man’s bedroom closet?
7 What does the woman say about the house?
8 What does the man decide to do?

选项 A、No one wants to look at the closet.
B、The man has already cleaned it up.
C、It has gradually become a trash can.
D、It is occupied by lots of useless stuff.


解析 女士谈到男士的衣柜时说:“从清理你的衣柜开始吧,里面装的都是些没用的东西(junk)”。D的useless stuff对应对话中的junk,故为答案。
