Next to snakes and crocs, Australians imagine sharks to be the country’s most dangerous creature. Tim Winton, an author, calls s

admin2020-03-31  1

问题     Next to snakes and crocs, Australians imagine sharks to be the country’s most dangerous creature. Tim Winton, an author, calls sharks "substitute for the Devil". Seven swimmers in three years have died from shark attacks in Mr Winton’s home state of Western Australia. The state’s government, led by Colin Barnett, is now taking revenge.
    In late November a skilled surfer died from a shark attack. A week later a shark killed a 19-year-old in New South Wales. The tragedies fed public anxieties. Mr Barnett ordered no-go zones for sharks to be set up offshore, marked by lines of baited hooks. Any shark caught on them more than three metres long was to be shot. The first shark caught in this strategy was shot on January 26th. Mr Barnett says he has to "protect the people of Western Australia".
    But previously hostile popular attitudes towards sharks are shifting. Plenty of Western Australians, along with environmentalists and shark experts, deplore the new policy. In early January, at the height of the summer holiday season, more than 4,000 protesters swamped Cottesloe Beach in Perth, with signs reading "Save Our Sharks"and "Science Not Slaughter".
    Of Australia’s 180 or so shark species, only a few are dangerous to humans: chiefly, bull sharks, tiger sharks and great whites, which are protected under federal law. Their numbers have suffered from the trade in shark fins for soup in Asia, which Australia and others have banned. Nonetheless, the federal government has given its conservative counterpart in Western Australia an exemption from protecting great whites under its "catch-and-kill" policy.
    Despite the recent attacks, deaths from sharks are rare—an average of just one person a year for the past half-century around Australia’s vast coastline, says the Australian Shark Attack File, a research outfit at Taronga Zoo in Sydney. By contrast, an average of 120 people drown each year off beaches and in harbours and rivers. There has been no fatal shark attack at Bondi beach in Sydney, Australia’s most popular strand, since 1929.
Mr Barnett’s policy includes______.

选项 A、shooting any shark caught on no-go zones
B、setting up restricted areas offshore for swimmers
C、protecting his people from being killed by sharks
D、ensuring safety of both human beings and animals


解析 根据Mr Barnett定位到第二段。选项[A]对应该段第三行:Any shark caught onthem(指代no—go zones)more than three metres long was to be shot.大意为:任何在“鲨鱼禁区”捕获的体长超过三米的鲨鱼将会遭到射杀。由此可见[A]项的any shark是不准确的,故该项错误。选项[B]是对“Mr Barnett ordered no-go zones for sharks to be set up offshore”一句的曲解,原文说的禁区是针对鲨鱼(for sharks),而不是针对游泳者,该项的for swimmers与原文forsharks不符,属于偷换概念,故错误。选项[C]对应最后一句:Mr Barnett says he has to“protectthe people of Western Australia”.该项正确。选项[D]中的ensuring safety of human beings这部分是没错的,但是and animals错了,因为Barnett提倡猎杀鲨鱼,而不是保护。综上所述,答案为选项[C]。
