A、40 dollars. B、50 dollars. C、80 dollars. D、100 dollars. C在谈论房租时,最终两人确定房租为每周40美元,之后女士提出她要先收取两个星期的房租。因此,男士入住前需要支付80美元。

admin2022-11-27  60

W: Good morning! May I help you?
M: Oh, yes. My lease ends next month, so I have to find a new place. I have just seen your advertisement of the spare room. You haven’t rented it yet, have you?
W: No, I haven’t. It’s still vacant. Please do come in and let me show you the house.
M: Thank you.
W: It’s just a simple room. My son used to live in it. Now he is grown and gone, and my husband died last year. So I thought maybe I’m taking in a roomer. As it stands aloof from the streets, it is quite quiet.
M: A nice, quiet house. That’s better than what I’ve expected.
W: Yes, as you can see, the room has been recently renovated and comes completely furnished.
M: How much is the rent?
W: Fifty dollars a week if you think that’s OK. I won’t charge you anything for electricity, gas and heat. Oh, yes, you can use the kitchen and refrigerator, too.
M: Well, I like this place very much. But, you know, I don’t have much money.
W: You seem like a very nice young man. What about 40 dollars?
M: That’s good. May I move in tomorrow morning?
W: Fine. I’ll be expecting you. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have the first two weeks’ rent in advance.
8. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
9. Why does the man want to move to a new place?
10. What can we learn about the room?
11. How much will the man have to pay before he moves in?

选项 A、40 dollars.
B、50 dollars.
C、80 dollars.
D、100 dollars.


解析 在谈论房租时,最终两人确定房租为每周40美元,之后女士提出她要先收取两个星期的房租。因此,男士入住前需要支付80美元。
