A、What you’re saying. B、What you’re thinking. C、Your body language. D、Your physical appearance. C对话开始女士说人们80%的交流是通过肢体语言进行的,男士举例

admin2013-09-16  41

W: With me today in the studio is Dr. Miriam Richards, who’s a lecturer in psychology at the University of Washington.
M: Hello.
W: Now, Dr. Richards, I’ve heard that body language is responsible for 80% of communication. Is that true?
M: Well, yes, it can be, in certain situations. (1-9)For example, when you’re meeting new people at a party or somewhere, body language is usually more important than what you say.
W: And most body language is instinctive, isn’t it?
M: Of course. And it’s much harder to change your body language than it is to control what you say. For example, when someone is lying, they’ll often avoid eye contact. (20)However, very good liars might make more eye contact then to try and make you think they’re telling the truth. They often smile a lot too—but they won’t be real smiles, of course.
W: So how can you tell if a smile is real?
M: (21)Well, a real smile uses the muscles around the eyes, but a fake smile doesn’t. So if you can’t tell if someone’s really smiling, then look at their eyes, not their mouth.
W: Are there any other ways you can tell if someone is lying?
M: Oh yes. (22)When we tell the truth, our eyes tend to move to the right, because the left side of the brain, which stores facts, controls the right side of the body. When we’re lying, the right side of the brain makes the eyes go left.
W: Hmm, that’s interesting.
M: People tend to look up when they’re telling the truth, because they are getting information from their brain. If they start lying, they’ll look down or straight ahead.
W: Fascinating. Thanks for coming in to talk to us today.
M: My pleasure. And I really mean that.
19. Q: What is probably more important when you’re communicating with new people?
20. Q: What do we know about the use of eye contact of very good liars?
21. Q: How can people tell if someone’s really smiling?
22. Q: What does the man say about eye movement when we tell the truth?

选项 A、What you’re saying.
B、What you’re thinking.
C、Your body language.
D、Your physical appearance.


解析 对话开始女士说人们80%的交流是通过肢体语言进行的,男士举例说明,当人们在聚会或是其他地方接触不认识的人的时候,肢体语言往往要比所说的话更加重要,故选C)项。
