
admin2022-08-27  85

问题 科举考试(Keju)是中国古代人才选拔的一种方式。由于采用分科目选举人才的办法,所以叫作科举。隋炀帝于公元605年开设进士科,用考试的办法来选拔人才,这标志着科举制度的开始。它把读书、考试和做官三者紧密结合起来,揭开了中国人才选拔史上崭新的一页。唐朝承袭了隋朝的人才选拔制度,并进行了进一步的完善。因此,科举制度逐渐完备起来。科举考试实行了1000多年,在实践中逐渐形成的一些较好的制度至今仍在我们的社会生活中发挥着作用。


答案Keju, or the imperial examination, is a means to select talent in ancient China. It got its name since it adopted the method of selecting talent through a range of different subjects. In 605 AD, Emperor Yang of Sui established the imperial examination system to select talent, which symbolized the official formation of Keju. The system interconnected learning, examination, and the selection of officials closely, opening up a new page in the annals of talent selection. The Tang Dynasty followed and further improved the talent selection system of the Sui Dynasty. Consequently, the imperial examination system gradually became perfect. During the over 1000 years’ implementation of the imperial examination, some good systems have been set up in practice, exerting an influence on our social life till today.

解析 1. 第一句中的“人才选拔”可以理解为挑选人才,故可译作select talent。
2. 第三句中的“进士科”是一种考试科目,通过的人可以成为官员,其本质还是一种选拔人才的考试,因而在这里意译即可,故译作the imperial examination system。
3. 第四句中的“做官”是对于参加考试的学子而言,在此语境中可理解为“选拔官员”,故译成the selection of officials。
4. 第五句中,翻译“进行了进一步的完善”时,为了使译文简炼,可以用further improved来表示。
