Nowadays, we have technology that’s improved so that we can bring people back to life. In fact, there are drugs being developed

admin2009-05-21  97

问题     Nowadays, we have technology that’s improved so that we can bring people back to life. In fact, there are drugs being developed right now -- who knows if they’ll ever make it to the market -- that may actually slow down the process of brain-cell injury and death. Imagine you fast-forward to 10 years down the line; and you’ve given a patient, whose heart has just stopped, this amazing drug; and actually what it does is, it slows everything down so that the things that would’ve happened over an hour, now happen over two days. As medicine progresses, we will end up with lots and lots of ethical questions.
    But what is happening to the individual at that time? What’s really going on? Because there is a lack of blood flow, the cells go into a kind of a frenzy to keep themselves alive. And within about 5 min. or so they start to damage or change. After an hour or so the damage is so great that even if we restart the heart again and pump blood, the person can no longer be viable, because the cells have just been changed too much. And then the cells continue to change so that within a couple of days the body actually decomposes. So it’s not a moment; it’s a process that actually begins when the heart stops and culminates in the complete’ loss of the body, the decompositions of all the cells. However, ultimately what matters is, what’s going on to a person’s mind? What happens to the human mind and consciousness during death? Does that cease immediately as soon as the heart stops? Does it cease activity within the first 2 sec., the first 2 min.? Because we know that cells are continuously changing at that time. Does it stop after 10 min., after half an hour, after an hour? And at this point we don’t know.


答案 目前,我们拥有先进的技术能让人起死回生。事实上,我们正在研发可能会减缓脑细胞损伤和死亡过程的药物——谁也说不准这种药物会不会上市。想象让时间向前快进十年,你给了一位心脏已停止跳动的病人这种神奇的药物,而实际上该药物发挥的作用是使一切都慢了下来,结果一个小时里就应该发生的事情现在需要两天。随着医学的进步,我们会遭遇到许许多多道德方面的问题。 不过,那个病人到时会出现什么情况呢?到底会发生什么?因为血流不够畅通的缘故,细胞为了存活进入一种疯狂状态,大约在五分钟以内开始受损和发生变化。约一小时以后,因为细胞经历了太大的变化,损伤情况严重到如果不为心脏重新启搏和输血,病人就活不了的地步。随后,细胞继续发生变化,两天之内病人的身体腐烂。这不是一会儿工夫的事,而是一个过程,它开始于心脏跳动的停止,终结于身体的完全丧失,也就是所有细胞的解体。然而最终,关键的问题是:一个人的大脑会发生什么情况?人的头脑和意识在死亡过程中会发生什么?它会不会在心脏停止跳动的那一刻就终止?会不会在头两秒或头两分钟内就停止活动?因为我们知道,细胞那时还在继续发生着变化。那么,脑活动会不会在十分钟、半小时或一小时后终止呢?现在我们还不得而知。

