农民工(migrant workers)指在城市中从事非农业工作的农业户口(agricultural—registered residence)工人。2013年中国的农民工总数达到2.63亿,他们主要就职于建筑业、第三产业和劳动力密集型产业(laborin

admin2016-04-26  34

问题     农民工(migrant workers)指在城市中从事非农业工作的农业户口(agricultural—registered residence)工人。2013年中国的农民工总数达到2.63亿,他们主要就职于建筑业、第三产业和劳动力密集型产业(laborintensive industry)。沿海地区各个领域的工人均以农民工为主,他们为经济的发展和城市的正常运行做出了巨大的贡献。但大量的农民工涌入城市工作也衍生了一系列的社会问题,如农民工子女受教育难、空巢老人(empty nester)增加、工资水平低等。中国政府已采取措施,试图从根本上解决农民工平等就业和待遇公平等问题。


答案Migrant workers refer to the laborers with agricultural registered residence engaging in non-agricultural work in cities. In 2013, the number of migrant workers in China totalled 263 millions. They mainly work in the field of construction, the third industries and labor intensive industries. Migrant workers account for the majority of laborers in industries around coastal areas. They have made tremendous contributions to the economic development and the normal operation of cities. But with a large number of migrant workers swarming into cities, a series of social problems have also emerged, such as difficulty in the education of migrant workers’ children, increased number of empty nesters and low income. Chinese government has taken measures, trying to solve such problems as fair employment and treatment of migrant workers in a fundamental way.

解析 1.第一句中的“农业户口工人”可译为the laborers with agricultural registered residence;修饰语“在城市中从事非农业工作的”则可处理为现在分词短语engaging in…,作后置定语修饰laborers
3.第三句中“沿海地区各个领域的工人均以农民工为主”这句话可理解为“农民工占沿海地区各个领域工人的主要部分”,即翻译时将“农民工”作为主语,译成Migrant workers account for the majority of laborersin industries around coastal areas。
4.倒数第二句中“大量的农民工涌入城市工作也衍生了一系列的社会问题”如果直译,则主语“大量的农民工涌入城市工作”较长,因此可将“大量的农民工涌入城市工作”处理成with引导的独立主格结构,作伴随状语。“……衍生了一系列的社会问题”则可将“社会问题”作主语,理解为“社会问题出现或产生”,即aseries of social problems have also emerged。
