The NHS remains one of the reasons why people are proud to be British. It provides outstanding care to more than a million of us

admin2022-04-20  40

问题     The NHS remains one of the reasons why people are proud to be British. It provides outstanding care to more than a million of us every day, despite huge pressure caused by tight finances and an ageing population. At the last election, the British people were clear—a strong NHS needs a strong economy. So those who back Brexit need to explain what that would mean for the NHS.
    I am not someone who believes we could not survive economically outside the EU. Nor do I believe that—as the world’s fifth largest economy—we would not eventually negotiate new trade deals. But we know that would involve years of economic uncertainty and that no country outside the EU has ever secured full, unfettered access to the single market.
    Even the most bullish Brexiteers concede that the short-term impact on the British economy would be a period of uncertainty and volatility. The independent Office for Budget Responsibility has said that "there appears to be a greater consensus that a vote to leave would result in a period of potentially disruptive uncertainty while the precise details of the UK’s new relationship with the EU were negotiated". And therein lies the risk to the NHS of leaving.
    Those wishing to leave might say this uncertainty is a price worth paying, but my concern is more practical. The NHS consumes the second biggest budget in Whitehall. Next year, thanks to this government’s success in turning around the economy, it will have the sixth biggest increase in its history.
    Investing in the NHS will always be a priority for this government, but the simple fact is this: an economic shock would put pressure on our finances. According to the OECD, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy all cut health spending per head following the economic crisis.
    Of course, our economy is stronger and more resilient, but only in the last two weeks a series of studies from the likes of the London School of Economics, Oxford Economics and the CBI have shown that the impact of an exit could cost the UK more than 5% of the size of our economy.
    This would inevitably mean less money for public services like the NHS. Those who want to leave need to explain how they could protect the NHS from this economic shock.
    It is not just a question of the risk to the pounds in our pocket, but to the pounds in the NHS budget as well. We should not take that risk.
The author believes that Brexit will________.

选项 A、help UK achieve economic recovery in a long term
B、throw British economy into an unpredictable state
C、retain global competitiveness in a single market
D、guarantee the normal operation of the NHS


解析 本题是细节题。文中多次出现Brexit. 因此应定位至有该词出现且表明作者观点的句子。其中第二段中作者提到“我并不认为退出欧盟经济就不能生存,也不相信英国最终不能谈成新的贸易协议……但经济会经历多年的不确定性”;而在第三段中,作者重申了经济将会出现许多不确定因素。可知。作者认为,英国脱欧会“使英国经济进入无法预测的状态”。故答案选B。A项“帮助英国长期复苏经济”和D项“保证了国民医疗保健体系的正常运行”与作者所表述的意思相反,故均排除;C项“在单一市场上保持全球竞争力”中的“competitiveness”在文中并未提及,故排除。
