以张伟的名义于2006年12月30日写一封投诉信。信中应包括以下内容: 1. 一周前买的型号为X2000乐人牌MP3播放器,使用一周内效果良好;今晨一开机,无声音,显屏也不正常;电池是新的,无毛病。 2. 要求免费换或退货。 3. 希望

admin2013-01-09  30

问题 以张伟的名义于2006年12月30日写一封投诉信。信中应包括以下内容:
1.    一周前买的型号为X2000乐人牌MP3播放器,使用一周内效果良好;今晨一开机,无声音,显屏也不正常;电池是新的,无毛病。
2.    要求免费换或退货。
3.    希望尽快解决此事。
Words for reference: MP3 播放器 MP3 Player;电池 battery; 显示屏 screen;退货 refund


答案Part V Writing Dec. 30, 2006 To whom it may concern, A week ago, 1 bought a brandnew Yueren MP3 Player, model number X2000. All the week the Player has worked perfectly, but when I turned it on this morning, there was no sound at all. I don’t know if it’s the problem of the earphones or the machine itself. The screen didn’t display properly, either. One thing l want to point out is that the trouble is not with the batteries for they are new ones. I would like you to exchange one for free or else I would just like a refund. I do hope that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. You can call me at 86923456 . Wait for your prompt and satisfactory reply. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei

