It is a fact universally accepted that Britons dislike immigration. Sure enough, when travel restrictions on Romanians and Bulga

admin2018-03-01  23

问题     It is a fact universally accepted that Britons dislike immigration. Sure enough, when travel restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians (imposed when their countries joined the EU) were lifted on January 1st, newspapers and politicians fretted. Two MPs even took it upon themselves to meet a morning flight from Bucharest and quiz its passengers. Yet a report published on January 2nd by Ipsos MORI, a polling firm, shows attitudes to be more varied.
    A widening gap divides those born before 1965 from younger folk. Although immigrants are often said to deprive younger Britons of entry-level jobs and housing, members of Generation Y (born in 1980 or later) and Generation X (born between 1966 and 1979) are ambivalent towards them. By contrast, the baby boomers (born between 1945 and 1965) and the old, who benefit most from cheap carers and cleaners, counterintuitively think immigrants a drag. Age influences opinion more strongly than social class does.
    This makes Britain an oddity. Ipsos MORI conducted the same study in Germany, and found the views of the young and the old to be converging. According to Robert Ford of the University of Manchester, the gap between the old and the young is larger in Britain than in America, France or Spain, too.
    Different life experiences explain why. When baby boomers were in their politically formative teens and early 20s, Britain was a pretty homogeneous place; before the mid-1970s it was closer to the Commonwealth than to continental Europe. That generation grew up doubtful about diversity. East European immigrants, who began arriving in large numbers in the mid-2000s, doubly offend them. Bobby Duffy of Ipsos MORI, who has conducted focus groups with members of this generation, reports that the prospect of retirement makes people worry about their children’s chances.
    For Generation X, mass immigration, European integration and multiculturalism are part of the furniture. They grew up in a more individualistic Britain; which, says Mr. Ford, explains their relative distaste for authority, homogeneity and flag-waving. This, like university attendance (more common among this group than their parents), tends to make people more tolerant of different races and nationalities. Thus Generation X’s experiences are closer to those of Generation Y than to the baby boomers—a fact reflected in Ipsos MORI’s findings.
We can infer from Paragraph 1 that ______.

选项 A、the U. K. has strict travel restrictions
B、all Britons support travel restrictions
C、most people like travelling to Britain
D、most developed countries dislike immigration


解析 根据第一段第二句:Sure enough, when travel restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians… 我们知道选项A的表述是正确的。选项B文章中未提及,只是在首句提到:Britons dislike immigration. (英国人不喜欢移民。)并没有提到英国人是否支持旅游限制,故该项错误。选项C和D无中生有。故答案为选项A。
