Every successful person has one thing in common. If you asked how they were able to reach their career goals, the answer would u

admin2014-01-13  30

问题     Every successful person has one thing in common. If you asked how they were able to reach their career goals, the answer would undoubtedly be the same, a mentor. A mentor is someone who supports, coaches, and advises you along your career path. None of us stands alone and without proper guidance and support from someone that can show us the topes, our paths are more difficult. Women have been missing the boat when it comes to taking advantage of the wealth of information other successful women have. Though this may not be by choice, most women find it very difficult to connect with other women on this level.
    One study showed two overwhelming reasons why this group of women felt they were having such a difficult time. They agreed that because they face what is known as the concrete ceiling and the lack of successful women role models, their chances for success are very limited. Mentoring has long been recognized by our male counterparts as a necessary part of career advancement. A mentor can help you avoid common pitfall associated with your career because they have been there and done that. Their advice can be invaluable to you at every level of your career. Even the most successful individuals and top level executives depend on mentors or career coaches to assist them in difficult situations and to improve their skills and knowledge.
    Mentoring is a very special and unique relationship that allows each person to benefit from the experience. Women who have chosen to volunteer as mentors, in most cases have been mentored themselves. They recognize the benefits of such a relationship and want to offer the same kind of support to someone else. Career success takes more than just your typical college education; it requires networking skills and the support of influential people. A mentor can introduce you to other influential people, offer advice, make suggestions for a particular career path and even let you vent your career frustrations. One of the most important decisions you should make about your career is to seek out a mentor and begin to build this very powerful and wonderful relationship to help insure your future career success.
What is the passage mainly about?

选项 A、Men, women, and their career success.
B、The importance of mentoring.
C、Limited chances for career success.
D、The common way to career success for women.


解析 主旨思想题。根据文章大意可知,全文主要讲了指导者对于人的成功的重要性。选项A、C、D用来概括文章大意,太过片面性。故答案为B。
