A、The man was using a digital camera B、The woman ran out of film when she took pictures. C、The man didn’t take any pictures. D、T

admin2015-06-07  34

W:I bought a dressing table, and my roommate left hers to me yesterday. What will I do with two dressing tables? Any suggestions?
M:Why don’t you make one of them a study desk?
Q:What does the man mean?
W:Did your pictures of the night view come out like what you expected?
M:Actually, I ran out of film before I could even begin. I didn’t realize I’d finished the whole roll.
Q:What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man was using a digital camera
B、The woman ran out of film when she took pictures.
C、The man didn’t take any pictures.
D、The woman didn’t take any pictures.


解析 女士问男士有没有拍到理想的夜景照片,男士说当时相机没有胶卷了,也就是说,没有拍到照片,故选C。B和D实际上是同义项,预读选项时可同时排除。
