A、To visit the Modern Museum. B、To make a good plan. C、To visit museums. D、To visit a music school. C根据选项,推测对话的内容与某人的计划相关,注意问题问的

admin2010-01-10  31

W: Hello, Mr. Johnson! I am calling about the car you advertised. Can you tell me something about it? M: It’s my wife’s car and she’s the one who put the ad in the paper. But I’ll try. She isn’t here right now.
Q: What is the man trying to do?
M: I don’t often visit museums, but I like to whenever possible.
W: I’ve never visited the Modern Museum, but I plan to tomorrow.
Q: According to the man, what does he like to do if possible?

选项 A、To visit the Modern Museum.
B、To make a good plan.
C、To visit museums.
D、To visit a music school.


解析 根据选项,推测对话的内容与某人的计划相关,注意问题问的是男士的打算,因此选出答案C
