A、Her son is sick. B、She had a traffic accident. C、She has caught a bad cold. D、Her car broke down. A信息明示题。对话中,女士告诉男士她要今天请一天假,男士

admin2023-02-06  34

W: I’m going to take a day off today.
M: Is there something wrong?
W: My son got sick this morning and I doubt I can make it today.
M: I’m sorry to hear that.
W: I have to take him to the hospital.
M: Then I’ll let our team know.
W: Thanks.
M: If your son’s case is serious, take two or more days off.
W: Thank you for your understanding.
18. Why does the woman ask for a day off?
19. What will the man do according to the conversation?

选项 A、Her son is sick.
B、She had a traffic accident.
C、She has caught a bad cold.
D、Her car broke down.


解析 信息明示题。对话中,女士告诉男士她要今天请一天假,男士询问发生什么事情了,女士回答说她儿子今天早晨生病了。由此可知,女士请假一天的原因是A“她的儿子生病了”。B“她出了车祸”、C“她得了重感冒”和D“她的车坏了”均与对话内容不符,因此可以排除。
