The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enforced.

admin2022-09-08  23

问题 The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enforced.
In 2013, the world population neared 7.2 billion people and had increased by over 1.5 billion people since the adoption of the Programme of Action of ICPD, the International Conference on Population and Development, in 1994.
Beijing is willing to work with Germany and other countries along the route of China-Europe freight trains to enable better development of the trade route.

选项 A、True


解析 事实细节的找寻与判断。原文中关键词“freight trains”意为货运火车,而题干中的“passenger trains”即客运火车与原文不符。因此,该题的说法是错误的。抓住关键词,识别词义。本题对“freight,”一词的把握是快速判断题干的关键。
