Monday is the beginning of the workweek; it’s【C1】______ day most people like【C2】______ . It’s not【C3】______ that the day they li

admin2017-05-25  20

问题     Monday is the beginning of the workweek; it’s【C1】______ day most people like【C2】______ . It’s not【C3】______ that the day they like most is Saturday. Saturday is the end of the workweek and the beginning of the weekend.
    Life is【C4】______ on the weekend. Most people take care【C5】______ their houses, cars or gardens. They can get up【C6】______ in the morning. They enjoy the feeling that the time seems【C7】______ more slowly. The week is for things you have to do; the weekend is for things you【C8】______ to do. Some people【C9】______ get in a car and go for a drive in the country. Others like to take part【C10】______ sports activities (活动) outdoors.

选项 A、surprise


解析 句意为:人们最喜欢的一天是星期六并不足以为奇。此处应填入的是一个形容词用来作表语,surprising意为“(物)令人惊奇的”,surprised意为“(人)感到惊讶的”,根据句意应选C。
