
admin2020-02-10  47

问题 已经是很不短的时间了,热闹的艺坛上,天才与小丑无法分清。不知浪潮翻过了多少回合,惊涛裂岸,沙石混沌,我们并未太多地在电视上报刊上见过何海霞;但京城消息传来,他还在活着,他还在作画。好了,活着画着,谁也不多提他;提他谁也心悸。百鬼多狰狞,上帝总无言。他的艺术是征服的艺术,他的存在是一种震慑。


答案 Over a long period of time, "geniuses" and "clowns" have been mixed up in the hectic realm of art, like rocks and sand mixed and driven by stormy waves along the shore. We have not seen much of He Haixia on the TV or in the newspapers, but as rumor from Beijing has it, he is still around. Around as he is, there has not been much mention of him, because the mere mention of his name makes one scared. Ghosts are hideously clamorous while God is silent. He Haixia’s art is the art of conquest; the fact that he is still around is awe-inspiring. I am not qualified to comment on any particular aspect of his works, for whatever I say would be short of professionalism, turning technical terms into frivolities, thus laying out bare a layman’s follies. At this point I think of Xiang Yu, the ancient heroic general, who had unusual physical strength and overwhelming will power. It has braced me up from the suffering of ailments, turned what is cowardly in me into courage, thus toughening up my character. In this era characterized by too much pettiness and flightiness, it is really a miracle that we should find such dynamic forceful-ness and artistic excellence as shown in his works. I remember sitting at home alone, for the whole of one morning after another, with his album open in front of me, my mind wandering about in the artistic natural world created by the artist, feeling as if I were Zhuangzi transformed into a butterfly fluttering around. But the first time I saw a recent photo of him, emaciated and aged, I sensed a lonely soul in him. Ah, but it is the loneliness of his soul that makes the great art and the great artist.

解析 背景介绍
-  不知浪潮翻过了多少回合,惊涛裂岸,沙石混沌:原文是另起一句,而实际上这个部分是对前文的补充说明,用暗喻的修辞方法,说明在艺坛上是鱼龙混杂,很难分清谁是天才,谁是小丑。故译文中,可以将两句话变得更为紧凑,用“like”连接,变暗喻为明喻。
-  京城消息传来:  “京城”即现在的“北京”,  “消息”并不确凿,故译为“rumor”。
-  他还在活着,他还在作画:说明他的艺术生涯仍在继续。Be around:be active or prominent in a particular field or profession.“还在活着”与“还在作画”实为汉语上的重复,故译为“He is still around.”即可。
-  好了,活着画着,谁也不多提他:汉语往往依靠意合,英语往往依靠形合,故汉译英时,首先要考虑成分之间的逻辑关系,此处应该是让步,即“虽然何海霞还活着,还在作画,但提到他的人却不多”。可以使用“though”,或者“although”,这里考虑到句式的变换,使用了“around as he is”,这里请注意形容词或副词的提前。
-  谈出都失水准:  “失水准”不是简单的“失水平”,而是缺乏专业的鉴赏力。故译为“short of professionalism”。
-  露出我一副村相了:理解“村相”这个短语时,需要联系上文,即“外行人愚蠢的想法”,故译为“layman’s follies”。
-  我只想到项羽,力举千鼎,气盖山河:  “项羽”是中国历史上有名的秦末重要的反秦领袖之一,秦亡后自封西楚霸王。翻译为英文时,考虑到大部分目的语读者并不了解项羽,故增译为“Xiang Yu,the ancient heroic general”。  “力举千鼎,气盖山河”是指项羽“力拔山兮气盖世”的英雄气概对作家所产生的心灵上的和精神上的震撼,翻译时不宜具体化,译得太过具体反而失去了引用这一典故的本意。
