The Bermuda Triangle There is a place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and airplanes seem to disappear more often than anyw

admin2010-01-26  32

问题                                 The Bermuda Triangle
    There is a place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and airplanes seem to disappear more often than anywhere else on Earth. It seems to form a triangle between Miami, Bermuda, and the ocean east of Puerto Rico. This place is called the Bermuda Triangle. Over 100 planes and ships have been lost there since 1945. Over 1,000 people have disappeared.
    It is almost as if the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky, as if the ships had been suddenly sucked down into a huge whirlpool. The strangest thing is that nothing is ever found: no bodies in the water or washed up on the beach.
    The biggest single loss of planes happened in December of 1945. Five Navy planes from Florida were flying together. There were 14 men in them. They radioed back to their base that their flying instruments were not working, they did not know where they were. The base radioed back to them to follow the sun west. They answered that they could not see the sun, even though the weather was good. They also said that the ocean didn’t look as it should. Finally they said they could not hear the base. But the base tower could still hear them talking about strange" white water". The last thing the tower heard was:" Don’t come after us. It looks like..." Then there was silence.
    In the, meantime, 13 men in another plane had been sent to help them. But they sent just one message. It said that they were coming to the place where the planes were lost. Then it also disappeared and was never heard from again. After checking and searching for many months, a Navy officer said, "It’s al most as if they had gone to Mars."
    Sometimes a plane or ship will disappear right after sending a message saying that everything is OK. During Christmas of 1963 a DC-3 passenger plane was coming into Miami for a landing. The pilot asked for landing directions. Then he said, "Would you believe it? The passengers are still singing Christmas carols!" Then suddenly the plane’s radio went off the air. Neither the plane nor any of the passengers in it were ever heard from again.
    It is known that pilots of planes often have trouble with their instruments in the Bermuda Triangle. Many people have studied the Triangle to find out what could be causing such things to happen there. In 1965 a Navy plane was sent to study the magnetic field in the Bermuda Triangle. Soon after flying into the area, the plane disappeared. The 10 men in it were gone, too.
    Instrument trouble alone can’t be the whole answer. Most of the ships and planes have vanished close to land, in good weather, and often in daytime. Whatever happens seems to happen very quickly. A small boat once disappeared right off Miami harbor. Its owner, Dan Burack, had stopped at Buoy No. 9 to admire the Christmas lights on shore. He suddenly sent a call for help to the Coast Guard. He didn’t say what was wrong. A Coast Guard boat hurried to Buoy No. 9. On its radio, the men heard Burack say," I’ve never seen one like that before." Nobody knows what he meant. By the time the Coast Guard boat got there, Burack’s boat and its passengers had disappeared.
    Many large ships have vanished, too. One weighed 20,000 tons. Another had more than 300 people on board. The radio on one large ship from Japan sent a very strange last message. It said, "Danger like dagger now. Come quickly! We cannot escape." After this message, the ship vanished from the sea.
    Something in the Bermuda Triangle causes flight instruments to go out of order. This might explain how planes get lost and crash. But it would not explain why planes would vanish suddenly in good weather and sometimes when they are coming in for a landing. Some of the ships could have been turned over or destroyed by accidents. Or a small boat could be run into and sunk by a larger one. This is not likely, though. And in any case, something would have been left floating in tile sea. Also, many small and large ships have been found drifting without their crew or any sign of where the people may have gone.
    These empty, drifting ships are still another mystery. In most cases, the ship’s cargo and lifeboats are still in place. But as for the people, it is almost as if they were suddenly taken away into the sea or sky. Sometimes a single animal is left on board. On one ship there was a dog, on another a cat, and on still another a canary in a cage. It almost seems as if something has been taking samples of people. Only once did an animal disappear along with the crew. That was when a parrot as well as the people on board disappeared from a ship which was later found drifting and empty.
    But where have all the planes, ships, and people gone? The United States Navy, the Coast Guard, and many insurance companies have been checking into this matter for many years. They have found no answer. It cannot even be said that anyone on the lost planes and ships has died. No body of anyone who has disappeared has ever been found.
    Some people think that part of the Bermuda Triangle may be a magnetic field. Some say it is a path to another dimension. That is, they think it may be a road out of our world leading into another world. They point out that more UFO’s have been seen along the south Florida coast and Bahamas than in any other part of the world. They say that perhaps the UFO’s come into our world along this path. Perhaps the people or things in the UFO’s take samples of people, ships, and planes. Perhaps they want to get living people from the earth to study them. Or maybe they are simply watching Earth to see how we get along.
    Other people think that the UFO’s may come from under the water. They point out that many strange things have been seen in the clear waters of’ the Triangle. At times something like a small submarine is seen heading directly for a ship. It goes, much faster than a submarine. At the last minute, it turns aside. In 1963 one of these things was tracked for several days. It traveled at speeds up to 150 knots and went as deep as five miles. But there are no submarines that we know of that can go so fast and so deep.
    Some captains of planes and ships in the Triangle have had narrow escapes and have lived to tell about it. A pilot named Chuck Wakeley was flying to Florida from the Islands. He noticed that his instruments were "going crazy." He could not control his plane. Then he saw that the wings were glowing a green-white color. The instruments glowed so brightly he could not look at them. Finally, he seemed to be glowing himself. Then the glow stopped and he could fly his plane again.
    Some ship captains have also had very narrow escapes. Captain Don Henry was towing another boat over a very deep part of the ocean near the Bahamas. The weather was clear. Suddenly a mist appeared around the boat he was pulling. He started to be pulled backward, in a sort of tug-of-war with a force he couldn’t see. He lost all his electric power. But, using diesel power, he pulled the boat free from the mist. Later he had to throw 50 flashlight batteries awn) because all the electricity had been drained from them.
    Another ship, the "Wild 0oose," also in tow, was not so lucky. It suddenly was covered by a mist and pulled under water with five people on board. Only one escaped. He was resting in a cabin when he suddenly found himself 60 feet deep in the water. He escaped through a porthole and swam up to where the tow boat saved him. The men in the boat told him that his ship had vanished in the glowing mist. It looked as if it had been sucked under by a whirlpool. The men had cut their lines so they would not be pulled under too.
    People have many different ideas about the things that happen in the Bermuda Triangle. Some say that the planes and ships have been caught in an electronic net. Some say that they have been caught and taken away by UFO’s. Others think they have been pulled under the sea by a force field under the water. Still others think they have sailed off into space or into another dimension.
    Many ships and planes cross the Bermuda Triangle every day and nothing happens to them. But so many planes, ships, and people have been lost there that this area is thought to be one of the most mysterious places in the world. Perhaps some day, when we have learned more about the world we live in, someone will be able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.
No captains and no pilots ever escaped the Triangle accidents.

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解析 并不是所有的ships,planes,captains,crew等都在Bermuda Triangle地区失事或遇难了。“Some captains of planes and ships in the Triangle have had narrow escapes”。
