Now that man has actually landed on the surface of the moon, he has learned many new things about it. But one thing man knew bef

admin2008-12-25  26

问题     Now that man has actually landed on the surface of the moon, he has learned many new things about it. But one thing man knew before he ever reached the moon was that there was no life on it.
   There is no atmosphere (大气层) on the moon. The lack of air means that the moon is not protected from any of the sun’ s rays. The sun sends out heat and light radiation (辐射). Life on earth depends on heat and light. But the sun also sends out dangerous kinds of radiation. The earth’ s atmosphere protects us from most of them. On the moon, however, there is no atmosphere to stop the radiation. All the sun’ s rays beat down on the surface of the moon.
   Because there is no atmosphere, the moon’ s surface is either extremely hot or extremely cold. As the moon circles around the earth, the side of it that is lighted up by the sun becomes very hot. The temperature there reaches more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏温度). This is hotter than boiling water. The hot lunar day lasts two weeks. It is followed by a night that is also two weeks long. At night the temperature drops to 260 degrees below zero. This is more than twice as cold as temperatures reached at the earth’ s South Pole. Under these conditions, no form of life that we know of here on earth could exist on the moon.
The underlined word " lunar" (line 4, para. 3 ) probably means something about ______.

选项 A、the sun
B、the moon
C、the earth
D、the planet


解析 释义题。题干意为“下划线的‘lunar’的意思是与什么有关的”。从文章的第三段The hot lunar day lasts two weeks可知,这个单词说的是与月球有关的,因为在这句话之前,作者一直在说月球的表层温度,月球上的昼夜变化。所以本题的正确答案为B。
