A、She is a hard-working student. B、She is interested in fashion and dating. C、She always quarrels with her mother. D、She doesn’t

admin2020-03-30  22

M: Hi, Jenny, you don’t look happy. What’s wrong?
W: Well, Jack, I’ve got a problem. You know my daughter Lisa is 16 years old now. And we’ve begun talking about college. She says she wants to go, but she just let her grades slip and no matter how many times I urge her to study,(9)all what she seems to be interested in are clothes and boys. We’re not wealthy, you know. And it won’t be easy for us to afford the tuition if she can’t get a scholarship. Is going to college the best choice for her right now?
M: Do you mean that she doesn’t seem ready for college?
W: Yes, exactly.
M:(10)Then you’d better have a serious talk with her about college.
W: A serious talk with her?
M: Yes, in my opinion, it’s quite normal for girls of her age to be wrapped up in fashion and dating, but as a mother, you have the right to expect her to pay attention to her studies too.
W: Yes, but how?
M: Ask her how serious she is about college and how hard she’s willing to work for it. Lisa may be more committed than you realize. But if not, tell her she could think about putting college off for a while. That could give her the push she needs to take her education seriously.
W:(10)Sounds like a good idea.
M: And if you decide she should wait, you may help her get a job, take classes at a community college or do an internship to get experience.(ll)She may be just one of those who need to see a bit of real life before they settle down.
9. What do we learn about Lisa?
10. What is the woman probably going to do?
11. What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、She is a hard-working student.
B、She is interested in fashion and dating.
C、She always quarrels with her mother.
D、She doesn’t want to go to college.


解析 事实细节题。本题问的是我们能从对话中了解到关于Lisa的什么信息。对话开始部分女士提到,她女儿Lisa只对衣服和男孩子感兴趣,衣服是时尚的象征,男孩子代表约会。即Lisa只对时尚和约会感兴趣。
