Public service announcements donated by radio, print, television and Internet media will attempt to convince kids and their pare

admin2014-05-20  24

问题     Public service announcements donated by radio, print, television and Internet media will attempt to convince kids and their parents that leading a healthy lifestyle is important. We can’t get enough of this message about healthy lifestyle, because the news on obesity(the condition of being too fat), and especially childhood obesity, is grim. And it’s getting worse.
    The last few months have seen a lot of reports on obesity, all sending a clear message: obesity is overwhelming us. It’s damaging us physically, leading to increases in diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and other chronic conditions. And it’s breaking us financially, as our health care system crushes under the weight of the cost of treatments for these diseases.
    The journal Health Affairs published a study indicating that the cost of hospitalizing obese(too fat)children between 1999 and 2005 nearly doubled, with twice as many children requiring such care. The finding prompted the report’s lead researcher to say, " Obesity is the single biggest reason for the increase in health care costs. " In August, yet another study in the journal Academic Pediatrics showed the rate of severe obesity among U. S. children and teenagers aged 2 to 19 has more than tripled over the past three decades and risen more than 70 percent since 1994. Even here in Massachusetts, with universal health care, nearly one-third of our middle and high school students are overweight or obese.
    What’s frightening in these reports is what’s happening to our young people. Childhood obesity is particularly more harmful because the health effects of obesity at a young age can last a lifetime. If nothing changes, we’ll continue to see spending rise to higher and higher levels, and we may see an entire generation burdened with the long-term effects of a condition that might have been prevented.
    Adults recognize the issue. The University of Michigan C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health again in 2009 ranked obesity as the top child health concern of adults, surpassing all other threats, including drug abuse, smoking, bullying, and Internet safety. The survey also found blacks and Hispanics rank obesity as the number one health issue for the first time.
    Promotions are all well and good; they call attention to the problem and keep it before the public. But the best solutions to the problem of childhood obesity likely rest with the notions of individual responsibility and parental supervision. Young people and their parents—because parental supervision and their roles in setting examples are critical to reversing the trend—must "take stock" of their exercise and eating habits.
The University of Michigan C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health has found that______.

选项 A、obesity has aroused the concern of adults since 2009
B、drug abuse and smoking are more threatening than obesity
C、blacks have become more aware of the seriousness of obesity than before
D、the University of Michigan ranks obesity as No. 1 health issue


解析 推理题。由题干关键词The University of Michigan C.S.Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health定位至第五段。该段讲到了密歇根大学C.S.Mott儿童医院关于儿童健康的全国民意调查结果:2009年肥胖再次排在成人关注的儿童健康问题的首位,比滥用毒品、吸烟、校园暴力和网络安全更具威胁性。该调查还发现:黑人和西班牙裔第一次把肥胖看作是第一大健康问题。由这句话可以推断出“黑人比以前更加强烈地意识到肥胖问题的严
