A、Time really flies. B、The plans after graduation. C、The economic status of China. D、How to get a master’s degree. B男士问女士毕业后打算做什

admin2011-01-01  30

W: Time really flies. I can’t believe I’ve been in China for almost four years.
M: (19) What do you want to do after your graduation?
W: I haven’t quite decided, but I think I’d like to find a job with a joint venture company here.
M: That’s quite an idea.
W: China has a rapidly developing economy and there’re so many opportunities. (20) Besides, I like living here. It’s not very expensive and people are friendly. What about you?
M: (21) Well, I’m thinking of doing a master’s degree. I’m interested in law, so I hope to attend a good law school.
W: You are surely ambitious. It would be very expensive to go to a law school, though, wouldn’t it?
M: Well, in China that would (22) depend on one’s academic merits. If you are excellent you’d get accepted in a tuition-free status.
W: I see. So will it be possible to work part-time to support yourself?
M: I guess so. But I hope I wouldn’t have to do that.
W: I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.
M: Thanks, and I wish you good luck too.
19. What is the main point of the conversation?
20.Why does the woman choose to live in China?
21.What does the man plan to do after graduation?
22.On what condition can you get accepted in a tuition-free status?

选项 A、Time really flies.
B、The plans after graduation.
C、The economic status of China.
D、How to get a master’s degree.


解析 男士问女士毕业后打算做什么,由此二人开始讨论各自的理想和打算,因此本段对话的主旨是毕业后的计划.故B)项正确。
