A、A scientist. B、A weather reporter. C、A farmer. D、A worker. C对话中女士说已经干旱好久了,几个月都没下雨了。土地很干,犁都耕不动了。男士也说自己都没法收玉米了,可推知男士是农民。故本题答案为C

admin2010-10-28  27

W: Where is the bus? It was scheduled to be here about thirty minutes ago. And I’m already late for work.
M: Me, too. I hate riding the bus. It’s never on time, and we have to be at a bus stop for hours no matter how the weather is.
Q: What are they talking about?
W: I think a drought has set in. It hasn’t rained a drop for months. The soil has been baked so hard that the plow can’t even break it.
M: Looks like it’s going to be an ongoing thing that would get worse each day. I can hardly harvest corn in my field in such weather.
Q: What does the man probably do?

选项 A、A scientist.
B、A weather reporter.
C、A farmer.
D、A worker.


解析 对话中女士说已经干旱好久了,几个月都没下雨了。土地很干,犁都耕不动了。男士也说自己都没法收玉米了,可推知男士是农民。故本题答案为C 。
