
admin2016-01-30  30

问题     在美国历史上人们最津津乐道的政治问题恐怕就是法律与秩序。但令人感到痛心的是,显然有数百万美国人从来没有想到过自己会是违法者,更不用说是犯罪分子了,他们越来越不把那些旨在保护他们社会的法律条文放在心上。如今,人们随手乱扔垃圾、偷税漏税、发出违禁噪音,以及开车时表现出来的无政府状态,可谓是司空见惯。有时不由使人觉得,藐视法令者竟可代表未来的潮流了。哈佛大学的社会学家戴维·里斯曼认为:大多数美国人漫不经心地把犯点所谓的小错误当做是理所当然的。他还认为:今天美国社会道德准则已出现“只有傻瓜才守法”的危险倾向了。


答案 Law and order are undoubtedly the most favorably discussed political problem in American history. To our heartache, however, obviously the thought of being a violator has never been occurred to millions of Americans, let alone a criminal. They are increasingly putting aside the law aimed at protecting their society. Nowadays, it is not surprising to see that throwing litter here and there, tax evasion, making illegal noises, and the anarchy displayed during driving. Sometimes we can not help wondering that those who contempt the law represent the future trends. David Riesman, sociologist from Harvard University, points out: It is unmindfully taken for granted to make so-called small mistake by most Americans. He also holds that a dangerous tendency has appeared in current American society, which is only the fools abiding by the laws.

