There is no place in the country that will be more affected by the Supreme Court battle over President Obama’s plan to shield mi

admin2017-02-28  17

问题     There is no place in the country that will be more affected by the Supreme Court battle over President Obama’s plan to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation than sprawling Los Angeles County. There are an estimated 1 million undocumented people here, about 400,000 of whom could be eligible for the protected status that Obama says would bring them "out of the shadows."
    County officials plan an aggressive programto sign them up should the justices give the green light. "I’m looking at the return the county gets," said Hilda L. Solis, Obama’s former labor secretary who is now chair of the powerful Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. "Do I want them to pay taxes? Absolutely. Do I want them to be established, with some form of identification? Yes. I think we’re all better off, we’re safer."
    But the state with the second-largest concentration — Texas — is leading the fight against what it and 25 other states say wouldsaddle them with the cost of providing benefits for millions of people newly eligible for work permits and government programs. The crux of the states’ legal argument is that the program, regardless of its merits, represents an unlawful power grab by the president." It is not whether this is the right solution or not," said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whose efforts have led lower courts to block the plan from being implemented. "It’s whether the president is acting outside his constitutional authority."
    As Obama took immigration leniency plan to the Supreme Court, it is true that justices will concentrate on whether Obama ignored legal procedures in November 2014 when he announced the immigration changes that Congress refused to enact. And the court also will consider whether Texas and the other states have the legal standing to interfere in immigration policy that the White House insists belongs to the executive.
    But the societal impact of immigration is debated in the court filings. And there is a stark partisan and ideological divide in the case that Daniel Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) , calls "Donald Trump huge."
    It is impossible to ignore the political backdrop as well. The case arrives during a presidential election year in which Trump promises a wall along the border to keep immigrants out and Sen. Ted Cruz is adamant that he would immediately reverse Obama’s plans should the court uphold them. On the Democratic side, both candidates have taken positions on immigration to the left of the president.
We learn from Paragraph 2 that Hilda L.Solis is mainly addressing

选项 A、the unintended unfairness.
B、the potential benefits.
C、the economic rewards.
D、the environmental safety.


解析 (1)根据题干关键词定位至第2段。(2)根据文章,“如果大法官同意”(第2段:green light),“地方官员计划采取激进的登记计划”(第2段:aggressive)。为什么?Hilda L.Solis给出了回答:“我们的付出希望有回报”(第2段:return),“(非法移民)可以纳税”(第2段:taxes)”“(他们)安定了,对我们大家都好,我们就更安全了”。概括这些话语,其含义便是接纳非法移民对当地有好处。(3)第3段也提到了benefits,merits等字眼。选项[B]最佳。
