现代人的生活节奏越来越快,伴随的压力也越来越大。有人说压力产生动力,而有人说压力使人抑郁,你有什么观点? 要求:(1)描述以上要点并简述理由; (2)提出你的观点并加以阐述; (3)字数120—150。

admin2019-06-23  40

问题 现代人的生活节奏越来越快,伴随的压力也越来越大。有人说压力产生动力,而有人说压力使人抑郁,你有什么观点?


答案 Working Under Pressure, Good or Bad? As the good saying goes, "No pressure, no motivation". Some people really believe that working under pressure keeps us motivated. However, this is simply not the case. A little pressure may do good to us in some way, but too much pressure can only be disaster, since it may depress us both physically and mentally. Scientific studies have showed that people working under too much pressure generally don’t perform very well as they do when they are not stressed out. What are worse, mental problems or disorders even occur to us when exposed to excessive pressure. Let’s take the students as an example. During the past few years, an increasing number of students are suffering from stress-related diseases. Obviously, the real killer is pressure from various academic studies. And there is a higher cheating rate among students, which should be largely attributed to the pressure coming from their parents and teachers. To conclude, pressure should come within limits. On the one hand, no pressure makes us idle. On the other hand, too much pressure may lead to unexpected disasters. Therefore working under limited pressure is the best way to keep us striving forward.

