但是,对于所有的正在进行的激动人心的工作而言,科学远没有达到一个能塑造完美的人的美好新世界的景象——或者甚至于说是塑造一个美好的番茄。在基因治疗普及之前,仍然需要做大量研究。如果许多疾病真的可以治疗的话,那将花上数十年的时间。 就短期而言,遗传筛选

admin2012-06-13  38

问题     但是,对于所有的正在进行的激动人心的工作而言,科学远没有达到一个能塑造完美的人的美好新世界的景象——或者甚至于说是塑造一个美好的番茄。在基因治疗普及之前,仍然需要做大量研究。如果许多疾病真的可以治疗的话,那将花上数十年的时间。


答案 For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human or even a perfect tomato. Much more research is needed before gene therapy becomes commonplace, and many diseases will take decades to conquer, if they can be conquered at all. In the short run, the most practical way to use the new technology will be in genetic screening. Doctors will be able to detect all sorts of flaws in DNA long before they can be fixed. In some cases the knowledge may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects. Someone with a genetic predisposition to heart disease, for example, could follow a low-fat diet. And if scientists determine that a vital protein is missing because the gene that was supposed to make it is defective, they might be able to give the patient an artificial version of the protein. But in other instances, almost nothing can be done to stop the ravages brought on by genetic mutations.

