上海文化的显著特点是“海纳百川,兼容并蓄”,它体现在上海文化的方方面面。上海舞台文化百花争艳,不仅有本乡本土的沪剧。还有国剧京戏以及越剧、淮剧等地方戏,也有来自域外的话剧、芭蕾舞等。上海的音乐文化是多旋律的(poly rhythmic),从乡土气息浓烈的江

admin2023-01-07  53

问题 上海文化的显著特点是“海纳百川,兼容并蓄”,它体现在上海文化的方方面面。上海舞台文化百花争艳,不仅有本乡本土的沪剧。还有国剧京戏以及越剧、淮剧等地方戏,也有来自域外的话剧、芭蕾舞等。上海的音乐文化是多旋律的(poly rhythmic),从乡土气息浓烈的江南丝竹到喜气洋洋的广东音乐,还有来自欧美的交响乐。上海的书画文化不但传承、光大了传统中国书画的风骨,出现了著名的“海上画派”,而且在源自西方的雕塑和油画艺术方面也取得了杰出的成就。


答案The Shanghai culture has been well-known for it is "all-inclusive and equitable like the sea embracing all rivers", which is embodied in the overall cultural scene for the city. Shanghai boasts a great variety of theatrical art, as there are not only the local Huju, the national Peking Opera and the regional operas like the Yue Opera and the Huai Opera, but also dramas and ballet originating in foreign countries. Shanghai has a poly rhythmic music scene, including the Sizhu music with a distinct local flavor from the south of the Yangtze River, the joyful Guangdong music, and the Western symphony. In terms of calligraphy and painting, Shanghai has created the celebrated "Shanghai School" upon the inheritance and improvement of the quintessential traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting, and has yielded outstanding achievements in the Western arts of sculpture and oil painting.

