The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist bef

admin2019-08-11  41

问题 The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before.
What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest?


答案There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionised communication and information-sharing in the same way that the telegraph and the television did before. However, societies have had to cope with unanticipated new problems, including crimes which traditional laws are powerless to prevent. To begin with, the global scale of the internet means that national laws are no longer adequate to control what happens online. Take restrictions on legal reporting, for example. In some countries, the media is prohibited from revealing details of a defendant’s past in case this prejudices a fair trial. However, such restrictions are no longer enforceable now that information may be freely published in other countries and accessed by all. The only solution here, it seems, is to adopt global standards. Since the internet traverses national borders, the flow of information can only be controlled if all nations agree on what can and cannot be shared. Another problem concerns anonymity, as internet users can easily conceal their identity and even impersonate others. Many crimes such as identity theft result from the ease with which criminals can operate anonymously online. Some have proposed a system of online identification, similar to a passport, which would allow all internet users to be verified and traced. I believe this idea should be explored further, though there are clearly concerns about the security of those who use the internet to protest against oppressive regimes. In conclusion, the only long-term solution to the problem of internet crime is greater international cooperation. Since the problem is global in scale, the solution must also be international. A new agency of the United Nations should be created to tackle the problems described above.

解析 本例的类型可归结为“problem&solution”类命题。此类型的关键要注意“问题”和“解决方案”要和题目相关,构想的“问题”越具体,越细致越好,如果“问题”过于空泛,“解决方案”就不好写,且也不好想事例。“解决方案”不必要原创、有创新性的,甚至不一定是可行的。另外,建议相应的解决方法可在提出问题后直接给出,这样在语篇的连贯上较好处理。当然,考生在主体段上,也可选用一段谈“问题”,一段谈“解决方案”的行文模式。但采用这种模式的话,要注意“解决方案”要切实与之前提到“问题”相关。
