A、They have too many films to watch in cinema. B、They have too many cinemas to go. C、They can watch films on various media. D、Mo

admin2016-12-26  22

Home theaters have the tendency to replace the role of cinema in some cities of the US.(23)Home theaters that use large high-definition television sets and sound systems can provide the typical experience for watching movies at lower prices. So they began to threaten the movie industry’s ticket sales. More and more people are waiting for Hollywood’s new movie discs—so they can experience them in the comfort of their own homes, rather than pay a lot of money at a local cinema with the silver screen. There is nothing new about television’s effect on the cinema. Until recently, though, the competition between the two media was for the viewers’ time. The impact on ticket sales is telling. For the first nine months of 2011, box-office receipts in America were down 2.3%, said analysts at SNL Kagan, a finance and media research company based in Virginia. Meanwhile, video rentals from some video website alone increased 48%. Meanwhile the film industry has made every effort to stop the falling tendency. Nowadays,(24)most of the cinema-goers have many more choices to watch movies. And if the comments about a film are not compelling enough, they will not go to the cinema. Instead, many are likely to wait until the movie comes out on DVD discs—or watch it from some websites. This is particularly true of people in their twenties and thirties.(25)In order to catch the last straw, the film industry made some three-dimension movies. However, complaints can also be heard from movie fans because they have to wear special glasses when watching 3D movies. Unfortunately, now television makers have started to make 3D TV sets.
23. Why did the home theaters begin to threaten the ticket sales of movie industry?
24. Why do some cinema-goers have more choices nowadays according to the passage?
25. What did the film industry do to change its current situation?

选项 A、They have too many films to watch in cinema.
B、They have too many cinemas to go.
C、They can watch films on various media.
D、Most of them are at early ages.


解析 本题问的是这篇文章所讲述的一些影迷现在有多重选择的原因。短文指出现代影迷有多重选择:如影评不太好,则大多数人选择不去电影院观看,他们还可以选择购买碟片和通过网络在线观看。
