Many people whose possessions were destroyed in natural disasters eventually considered their loss ______. What does the author

admin2008-12-10  34

问题 Many people whose possessions were destroyed in natural disasters eventually considered their loss ______.
What does the author suggest people do with unnecessary things?


答案Make a list of the unnecessary things and get rid of them.

解析 本题空白处问“作者建议人们怎样处理多余的物品”。问题相关部分在文中最后一段。文中提到“When you’re ready to start unloading some of your stuff,that list will be a good place to start”(当你开始准备丢弃一些东西的时候,列出一个清单是一个好的起点)。又根据第七、八段内容,“Look around your home and make a list of what you would replace.Make another list of things you wouldn’t acquire again no matter what,and in fact would be happy to be rid of.”(环顾你的房子列出你所要更换的物品的清单,然后列出另一个你不再想要的,事实上也是你很乐意丢弃的物品清单)。也就是说,在丢弃东西前,最好分门别类地列出几个多余物品的清单。因此,答案应为Make a list of the unnecessary things and get rid of them。
