
admin2016-09-27  77

问题     读书是文明生活中人所共认的一种乐趣,极为无福享受此种乐趣的人所羡慕。我们如把一生爱读书的人和一生不知读书的人比较一下,便能了解这一点。凡是没有读书癖好的人,就时间和空间而言,简直是等于幽囚在周遭的环境里边。他的一生完全落于日常例行公事的圈禁中。他只有和少数几个朋友或熟人接触谈天的机会,只能看见眼前的景物,没有逃出这所牢狱的法子。但在他拿起一本书时,立刻就走进了另一个世界。如若所拿的又是一部好书,则他便已得到了一个和一位最善谈者接触的机会。这位善谈者引领他走进另外一个国界,或者另外一个时代,或向他倾吐自己胸中的不平,或和他讨论一个他从来不知道的生活问题。一个人在每天的二十四小时中,能有两个小时的工夫撇开一切俗世烦扰,而走到另一个世界去游览一番,这种幸福自然是被无形牢狱拘囚的人们所极羡慕的。这种环境的变更,在心里的效果上,其实等于出门旅行。(373 words)


答案Reading is widely considered as a pleasure in people’s cultural life. And those who can not enjoy it look enviously at this pleasure. We can make this point clear just by making a comparison between he who loves reading all his life and those who don’t. Considering time and space, he who doesn’t make the habit of reading is no less than being imprisoned in the surrounding environment. All his life retains limited to the custody of routine affairs. He can only chat with few friends or acquaintances, and see what in his line of sight, which can not help escape from the jail. However, when he resorts to a book, he goes into the other world. If it is a good book, he gets a chance to talk with the talker. The talker leads him into the other world or the other era talking with him about his sorrows or a life problem he never knew before. As leaving aside those odds and ends for just two hours from around the clock and travelling across another world, he is envied by those who are imprisoned by intangible jail. The change of environment is made mentally and actually is the equivalent of having a journey.

