The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics. EXAMPLE Money - When

admin2018-04-28  47

问题 The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.
- When you go shopping, do you prefer to pay for things in cash or by card? [Why?]
- Do you ever save money to buy special things? [Why/Why not?]
- Would you ever take a job which had low pay? [Why/Why not?]
- Would winning a lot of money make a big difference to your life? [Why/Why not?]


答案 1. When you go shopping, do you prefer to pay for things in cash or by card? [Why?] 1 I really like using cash rather than credit or debit cards. For me, I just find it easier. I don’t need to remember my PIN when I go out, and I can use cash absolutely everywhere. Some shops will only accept some cards, which means that I often have to take 2 or maybe 3 of them out with me. It’s just cumbersome. 2 If those are the only options, then I would say card. In reality, though, as you may know, WeChat and Alipay are far more popular these days. When I go out it means I don’t have to worry about losing my wallet or my purse, I just have to take my phone. 2. Do you ever save money to buy special things? [Why/Why not?] 1 To be honest, no. I haven’t ever had a job as I’m still a student. Mostly, in fact all the time, I use my parents’ cards and money. If I want to buy something, I just ask my Mum. Saving is something I know is important, but not for me, not quite yet. 2 When I was much younger, I would say yes. Quite often I would save my pocket money and buy my friends or even sometimes my mum little gifts to make them happy. These days though, not so much because even though I have a part-time job, my books and expenses at University are quite high. Hopefully, when I get a job I’ll be able to start saving again. 3. Would you ever take a job which had low pay? [Why/Why not?] 1 Not for any real length of time, no. I realise that after I graduate, my first job’s salary won’t be that high. But I wouldn’t want it to stay that way. I’d expect to climb the ladder and progress up the ranks within a company so that, after a few years, I would be on a respectable salary. 2 Yes, actually the job I mentioned just now is very low pay. It’s mainly because I’m still young and a university student with no experience. I think generally, it’s good for me because I am gaining knowledge and expertise, and it will look good on my CV when I apply for things like my masters or even a job in the future. Overall though, it’s not something I would want to do for my career even if I really liked the job. Money is a necessary evil that I want. 4. Would winning a lot of money make a big difference to your life? [Why/Why not?] 1 My goodness, yes! I suppose it would depend on how much. If you think a lot of money is something like half a million kuai, then no, not really. If however, it’s something like the Euro Millions and is 100 million Kuai, they most assuredly yes. I’d give half to my parents so that they can retire, and I’d probably use some of it for a spending spree. The rest I would use to invest and buy a house etc., but make sure that I have enough to live comfortably on without ever needing to work. 2 For me, no. Even though money is important, it isn’t everything, and I already come from a family that is comfortably off. I don’t really believe in gambling, and I know the odds of winning are astronomical, so I’m not interested in taking the risk.

